Friday, February 14, 2014

VOTE YES on sending Russell Brand to North Korea

If Mr. Brand is an expert on anything other than pathological dishonesty, then I'm an astronaut. This modern day Rasputin keeps spewing words carelessly about, like a three year old with a loaded gun, but says absolutely nothing original. He is no more, but probably less, than the clowns who have come before him. I think we should all chip in and buy him a one way ticket to North Korea, where no one votes. As an added plus, no one speaks outside those boarders. So he is happy. We don't hear him anymore, so we are happy. The emperors dogs will probably end up happy. Everybody happy!

On second thought, I owe Rasputin an apology. Let's say "Rasputin wannabe".

Russell Brand, the revolutionary now calling on MPs - video